Pocoyo - вредный, любопытный, чудесно-восторженный маленький мальчик в синем. Рассказчик Стивен Фрай с юмором помогает Pocoyo познавать мир, изучать новые слова и назначение предметов. Pocoyo и его друзья, Элли, Лула, Пато и Сонная Птица, поощряют зрителя учиться через смех. Очень веселый и познавательный мультфильм для самых маленьких.
Pocoyo is a pre-school animated cartoon series about a young boy who dresses in blue and who is full of curiosity. Viewers are encouraged to recognise situations that Pocoyo is in, and things that are going on with or around him.
Speed Up Grammar A practice book for secondary school lerners
Speed Up Grammar
is a series of grammar reference and practice book specially designed
for children at the beginner to intermediate level. The series is
suitable for both home study and classwork.
Paths of Darkness is the fourth series of novels about the character Drizzt Do'Urden written by R. A. Salvatore. It is the follow up series to Legacy of the Drow and is followed up by The Hunter's Blades Trilogy, and also followed on from the Servant of the Shard in the Sellswords trilogy.
It includes:
The Silent Blade (1998) The Spine of the World (1999) Servant of the Shard (2000)Sea of Swords (2001)
The Icewind Dale Trilogy is a trilogy written by R.A. Salvatore, a SciFi and fantasy author. It follows the events continued from The Dark Elf Trilogy. It then continues from the Halfling's Gem onto the next series, Legacy of the Drow.
It contains three books:
1. The Crystal Shard
2. Streams of Silver
3. The Halfling's Gem
The trilogy tells the tale of the legendary drow, or dark elf, Drizzt Do'Urden, the mighty barbarian warrior, Wulfgar, the tricky halfling Regis, a dwarf king, Bruenor, and Bruenor's adopted daughter Catti-brie. The first of Salvatore's Forgotten Realms series, it describes the events that created some of the best-known characters in Forgotten Realms. The final book of this series The Halfling's Gem appeared in the New York Times Best seller list.
Shadow of the Hegemon (2001) is the second novel in the Ender's Shadow series (often called the Bean Quartet) by Orson Scott Card. It is also the sixth novel in the Ender's Game series. It is told mostly from the point of view of Bean, a largely peripheral character in the original novel Ender's Game.