Title shows resumes and cover letters of people who wish to enter the police, law enforcement, and security fields. The most effective job hunting strategies are revealed, and there is also a section which shows how to transfer police, law enforcement, and security skills into other industries. Resumes shown include those of fireman, policemen, police chief, corrections officer, detective, deputy sheriff, security guard, and many others.
Appropriate for all graduate-level and advanced undergraduate courses in cryptography and related mathematical fields. Modern Cryptography is an indispensable resource for every advanced student of cryptography who intends to implement strong security in real-world applications. Leading HP security expert Wenbo Mao explains why conventional crypto schemes, protocols, and systems are profoundly vulnerable, introducing both fundamental theory and real-world attacks. Next, he shows how to implement crypto systems that are truly "fit for application," and formally demonstrate their fitness. He begins by reviewing the foundations of cryptography: probability, information theory, computational complexity, number theory, algebraic techniques, and more. He presents the "ideal" principles of authentication, comparing them with real-world implementation. Mao assesses the strength of IPSec, IKE, SSH, SSL, TLS, Kerberos, and other standards, and offers practical guidance on designing stronger crypto schemes and using formal methods to prove their security and efficiency.Finally, he presents an in-depth introduction to zero-knowledge protocols: their characteristics, development, arguments, and proofs. Mao relies on practical examples throughout, and provides all the mathematical background students will need.
Make your e-commerce vision a success with this comprehensive, step-by-step handbook. Whether your company is a startup or well-established, you’ll learn how to plan, implement and operate a successful e-commerce site—from selecting the right software through fulfilling orders. The expanded and updated second edition addresses e-commerce opportunities with online auctions, peer-to-peer file sharing, and weblogs, as well as security issues and search engine marketing. Using this book as a tutorial and reference, you’ll learn how to:
This comprehensive encyclopedia provides easy access to information on all aspects of cryptography and security. With an A–Z format of over 460 entries, 100+ international experts provide an accessible reference for those seeking entry into any aspect of the broad fields of cryptography and information security. Most entries in this preeminent work include useful literature references, providing more than 2500 references in total. Topics for the encyclopedia were selected by a distinguished advisory board consisting of 18 of the world’s leading scholars and practitioners.
The conflict in Northern Ireland remains unlike any other campaign conducted by the British Army this century. There have been no set-piece battles, no decisive victories or crushing defeats; just a grinding, relentless series of small scale operations in response to riots, bombings, sectarian murders and terrorist ambushes. Tim Ripley, a specialist in modern military affairs and research associate at Lancaster University's Centre for Defence and International Security Studies, profiles the operations, tactics, uniforms and equipment of the British and Irish Security Forces and the main terrorist groups involved in 'the Troubles' from 1969-92.