Added by: Sparkling River | Karma: 26.18 | Exam Materials » IELTS | 8 August 2012
IELTS Write right
Ielts Write Right is intended to assist you, the IELTS candidates, in expanding your repertoire of sentence structures, improving your coherence and cohesion and extending your range of vocabulary with a view to achieving better results in the IELTS writing section. By providing alternate model anwsers to IELTS writing tasks, it provides a framework within which you can discover for yourself many of the important stylistic differences between everyday English and English as it is used in academic writing.
Британский транспорт. Left Or Right, Which is Right?
Книга для чтения по английскому языку "Британский транспорт" адресована школьникам старших классов, учащимся СПО и студентам вузов. Предназначена для формирования навыков чтения, письма и устного общения, а также для развития навыков письменного перевода. Может быть использована в качестве дополнительного учебного материала с любым базовым учебником английского языка для средних школ. Задания в книге рассчитаны на работу в классе, но могут быть использованы и для самостоятельной работы при подготовке проектов или устных презентаций по культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Early Childhood Education/Preschool Teacher provides an excellent overview to give candidates a strong idea of what being an early childhood educator is all about. This book explains what early childhood educators do, why early childhood education is such a rewarding career, and whether or not it is the right job for you. There's also information about different positions in the early childhood education field, how to find the degree and certificate program that is right for you, how to apply for financial aid, how to find a job, and how to succeed once you have landed one. * This Book Is Dedicated To Nebo_Londona
Since the time of the abolitionists, no movement has so politicized social life in the United States as feminism. Responsible for wide-ranging legislation, such as womens right to vote and the right to an abortion, feminists have fought their way to the center of the countrys political dialogue and made themselves a major presence there. But the road to such influence has not been easy. From the battle over the Equal Rights Amendment to the continuing debates about abortion, feminists have often found themselves in the middle of the countrys most hotly contested disputes. They have won many allies, but also many enemies.