The second book in this successful series which provides a great balance between language development and comprehensive exam training for all 5 Papers of the FCE exam. Easy to access, fun to use.
The revolution that created the United States was only one of many American revolutions. From 1776 to 1825, wars for independence erupted throughout the Americas—from Boston to Buenos Aires—creating 19 new nations.
Long before he was declared a saint by the Church, Augustine gained profound influence as both a Church Father and a Christian Platonist philosopher—defending the doctrine of the Trinity, defining the epochal idea of religious grace, delving into the inner relationship between God and soul, and much more.
The BBC TV Shakespeare Collection 21. Titus Andronicus wiith embedded subtitles The BBC Television Shakespeare was a set of television adaptations of the plays of Shakespeare, produced by the the BBC between 1978 and 1985.