Take on these fiendish puzzles devilishly created to either make or break your IQ. They're the toughest examples of the most popular logic puzzle types: Find the Missing Figure, Guess the Picture Sequence, Detect What Word or Letter Comes Next, Odd One Out, Missing the Symbols, Number Crunching, Cryptograms, and more. There's a Nightmare Before Christmas puzzle, and Sherlock Holmes returns to solve the mystery of which of three brothers broke his window, plus dozens more too hard to even describe here.
Eighty puzzles. The answers are easy! But getting there is the hard part. Uncover connections and identify hidden relationships until suddenly the answers are appearing as if by magic. Solve situations on the moon, around an insect-eating plant and gold-record racing through space in the Voyager spacecraft.
Mathematical Problems and Puzzles from the Polish Mathematical Olympiads
This book is a translation of the second Polish edition, published in 1960, in which various improvements were made. The contest for secondary school pupils known as the Mathematical Olympiad has been held in Poland every year since 1949/50. The problems set at the contests require only a knowledge of school mathematics (i.e., elementary algebra, geometry and trigonometry) but are on the whole more difficult than the usual school exercises.
It boggles the mind, trying to come up with the answers to these totally perplexing stumpers.
Over 95 all-time bewildering puzzles are designed to confound, confuse and make you cry.
So take the challenge.
The World's Most Baffling 'Juggling' Puzzle, the World's Most Baffling 'Magic Square' Puzzle, the World's Most Baffling 'Number' Puzzle, the World's Most Baffling 'Dice' Puzzle, the World's Most Baffling 'Elevator' Puzzle, and loads more.
If you can match minds with the greatest brains, then you have a chance of solving these puzzles. Try this one right now:
"A word 1 know.
Six letters it contains;
Subtract just one
And twelve, you'll find, remains."
If you can prove that six minus one equals twelve, you win the prize for smart thinking!
If you miss it, or any others in this book, all the answers are in the back. Great cartoons and illustrations will help and entertain, while your brain gets to work on these topnotch, tricky challenges.