Master Your Debt: Slash Your Monthly Payments and Become Debt Free
The world of borrowing and debt management has changed dramatically, leaving people confused about how best to secure their financial future. This book is the only guide with detailed advice to help you become debt free or master the debt you have, based on the latest laws and new government programs and policies implemented under the Obama administration.
Justice for the PastAmong the most controversial issues in the United States is the question of whether public or private agencies should adopt preferential treatment programs or be required to pay reparations for slavery. Using a carefully reasoned philosophical approach, Stephen Kershnar argues that programs such as affirmative action and calls for slavery reparations are unjust for three reasons.
101 Quick and Easy Secrets for Using Your Digital Photographs
If you own a digital camera and actively take pictures with it, you probably have a hard drive, memory card, or laptop filled with images that you keep meaning to do something with but never get around to. "101 Quick and Easy Secrets for Using Your Digital Photographs " will show you how to make the most out of the images you have or plan to take, detailing the best way to manipulate, manage, publish, share, and promote your photographs.
Managing High-Technology Programs and Projects, 2 Ed
Don’t just manage a project…master it! Managing High-Technology Programs and Projects 2nd Edition As diverse as high-technology programs and projects are, there are as many factors that they hold in common, such as time and budget parameters and their multidisciplinary nature. Yet there has never been a single source that every project manager can consult to manage any kind of project, from start-up to close-out. Managing High-Technology Programs and Projects, Second Edition is just such a book.