Practical reasoning is the study of how to figure out what to do. It is of particular importance to ethics. Indeed, new developments in practical reasoning promise to break through long-standing ethical and moral dilemmas. Practical reasoning also has consequences for philosophy of mind, value theory, and the social sciences. This anthology provides an overview of this important area of philosophy.
Over the past two decades the field of practical reasoning has changed rapidly, with a small number of entrenched positions giving way to a healthy profusion of competing views. This book coversa broad spectrum of positions on practical reasoning--from the nihilist view that there are no legitimate forms of practical inference, and hence no such thing as practical reasoning, to inferential expressivism, which holds that our desires express commitments to arbitrarily different kinds of practical inferences (as when the desire to stay dry makes explicit the commitment to inferring the need to carry an umbrella if rain is forecast). Underlying all the contributions is the question of how one should go about determining what the legitimate forms of practical reasoning are.
The aim of this book is to outline the recent development of Markov chain models for modeling queueing systems, Internet, re-manufacturing systems, inventory systems, DNA sequences, genetic networks and many other practical systems.
This book provides a practical and richly informative introduction to feature writing and the broader context in which features journalists operate. As well as covering the key elements and distinctive features that constitute good feature writing, Feature Writing: A Practical Introduction also offers a rich resource of real life examples, case studies, and exercises. Authors Susan Pape and Sue Featherstone have drawn on their considerable shared experience to provide a solid and engaging grounding in the principles and practice of feature writing.
In Practical Advice to Teachers, he spoke to the teachers in the following way: “Concern yourselves with whatever has genuine significance for the child’s development (lecture 4, p.55). Then he proceeded to give invaluable insights into the methodology that no Waldorf teacher can be without. These lectures not only provide insight into how certain subject matter works in the growing child and how it correlates with his orher developmental stages, but also how teachers in their method of working can “bring the Soul-Spirit into harmony with the Life-Body,” (The Foundations of Human Experience, lecture 1) and how they can handle the subjects “for the purpose of developing human capacities” (Practical Advice, lecture 1).
This is a small book but it contains a great deal of practical and useful material to apply with children who may be suffering from dyslexia. It is an invaluable book for teachers and parents wishing to help their children whether they suffer from dyslexia or from some other condition impeding development towards being able to read and spell. This is an amalgamation of the Miles' earliest books in this area, updated, with firmer indications that the approach is effective provided in the introduction. The book is eminently concise, clear and readable. It offers teachers and parents sensible, structured advice on a rule-governed phonic approach to spelling and reading together with a brief section on practical approaches to calculation.