The aim of this book is to provide a history of c20 popular branded medicines. Some will be familiar household names from the twentieth century, some are still on sale in some form today, and some data back to the earliest proprietary medicines in the eighteenth century.
The most sought-after "answer man" for astronomy takes us on an all-new excursion to the always exciting, frequently sobering, world of the deep cosmos in search of answers to popular questions. How fast does gravity travel? When will the sun go nova? Who invented the light year? Will we ever travel to the stars? These are just some of the unusual and popular questions NASA astronomer Sten Odenwald answers in Back to the Astronomy Cafe, based on his award-winning website "for the astronomically disadvantaged."
Travel to the cutting edge of science and technology with Popular Science- and discover a world of incredible inventions and amazing scientific advancements. Be the first to know about the latest developments in cars, electronics, communications, tools, energy, aviation, space exploration, and much more. Popular Science is your guide to what’s new and what’s next.
Our daily experiences at work provide us with endless opportunities to learn - which is the principle underlying action learning. If you want to understand the benefits of being part of an Action Learning programme, or would like to set one up but need to know more, then this popular guide could be an ideal place to start.