Few things represent a culture as well as food. Because sweets are universal foods, they are the perfect basis for a comparative study of the intersection of history, geography, social class, religion, politics, and other key aspects of life. With that in mind, this encyclopedia surveys nearly 100 countries, examining their characteristic sweet treats from an anthropological perspective. It offers historical context on what sweets are popular where and why and emphasizes the cross-cultural insights those sweets present.
Due to its connections to violent crime and ingenious detective work, forensic science is a subject of endless fascination to the general public. A criminal case can often hinge on a piece of evidence such as a hair, a blood trace, a bit of saliva on a cigarette butt, or the telltale mark of a tire tread. High profile cases have stoked this interest in recent years and some of the most popular shows on television--such as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and its raft of spin-offs--attest to the enduring popularity of forensic science as a form of grisly entertainment.
More Vocabulary Cartoons! Due to the success of Vocabulary Cartoons SAT Word Power, we cranked out another 290 SAT level words with the same zany mnemonic cartoons and rhyming words that made the first edition so popular. Contains 290 SAT words with 29 review quizzes consisting of matching and fill in the blank.
Magazine brings the intelligent, interested ordinary person the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs, while examining the issues that these throw up. It hails from the US and features cutting-edge technology and insightful commentary from scientists, scientific journalists, and other experts at the forefront of scientific study but is always presented in an interesting, vibrant way that breathes life into the subject