An artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that changes his life. As he grows older, his face stays young and handsome. But the picture changes. Why can't Dorian show it to anybody? What is its terrible secret?
The only novel written by the Irish king of wittiness, Oscar Wilde, the Picture of Dorian Gray was originally published in 1890. This new 2008 edition is a graded reader at Level 4 (1700 headwords - Intermediate), contaning a total of 16,326 words plus pictures, activities and a word list. Includes two CDs of the full text in spoken British English.
Gross Anatomy: The Big Picture is the perfect bridge between review and textbooks. With an emphasis on what you truly need to know versus “what’s nice to know,” it features 450 full-color illustrations that give you a complete, yet concise, overview of essential anatomy.
The book’s user-friendly presentation consists of text on the left-hand page and beautiful full-color illustrations on the right-hand page. In this way, you get a “big picture” of anatomy principles, delivered one concept at a time -– making them easier to understand and retain.
Littky's book challenges the traditional philosophy and practices of American schools. And we deserve that challenge. We are raising kids in dysfunctional schools, dysfunctional even when we believe they are working satisfactorily. At the most fundamental level the philosophy upon which the schools are based, a philosophy laid down in the Nineteenth Century designed to train people to fulfill the needs of industry, has not changed.
The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century - Eric HobsbawmFailure of prediction
Failure of prediction, failure of communism, end of imperialism, failure of free-market capitalism, fascism. Hobsbawm uses statistics to paint a broad picture of a society in a given time, alongside its arts and popular culture.
TumbleBookLibrary is a collection of TumbleBooks animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. TumbleBooks are created by adding animation, sound, music and narration to existing picture books in order to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you.