Big History and the Future of Humanity presents an original theoretical approach that makes "big history" – the placing of the human past within the history of life, the Earth, and the Universe –– accessible to general readers while revealing insights into what the future may hold for humanity. •Provides an accessible and original overview of the entire sweep of history that places human history within the history of life, the Earth, and the Universe
Курс английского языка от диджея Паши - English with DJ Pasha
Курс английского языка "Английский от диджея Паши" состоит из двух книжек – "Student`s book" и "Workbook" – и трех CD. "Student`s book" содержит 24 лексических и 6 грамматических уроков со словами, текстами, диалогами, правилами грамматики, упражнениями. "Workbook" с юмористическими иллюстрациями предназначен для выполнения упражнений.
RigaEight hundred years have shaped the city’s unique appearance and rich traditions.
Impossible not to be loved in Riga, because of its given inspiration to everyone – both for them which are delighted with ancient and which craves for new impressions.
Can I Freeze It?: How to Use the Most Versatile Appliance in Your Kitchen
Freezers are one of the most useful––and most neglected––tools in the kitchen. Particularly great for those dark winter months when you want to get dinner on the table 15 minutes after you get home from work––think lasagna, stews, curries, and soups––freezers are also useful for entertaining friends when time is short.
This book will show you how to turn your passion and enthusiasm into a viable commercial opportunity. It is packed full of practical, down-to-earth advice based on the author’s own, and other successful entrepreneurs’, experience. You’ll discover how other people have started successful businesses with nothing else than a great idea, self-belief, and determination. Discover how you can easily: – Research your ideas. – Start your own business at home, from little or nothing. – Get funding for your new business.