This book will show you how to turn your passion and enthusiasm into a viable commercial opportunity. It is packed full of practical, down-to-earth advice based on the author’s own, and other successful entrepreneurs’, experience. You’ll discover how other people have started successful businesses with nothing else than a great idea, self-belief, and determination. Discover how you can easily: – Research your ideas. – Start your own business at home, from little or nothing. – Get funding for your new business. – Overcome your fears and sell anything to anyone. – Market your business on a shoestring. – Create your own successful niche business in a world dominated by multi-retailers. Paul Power’s own successful philosophy is that if your ultimate dream is to run a global franchised network from home but all you can afford is a second hand laptop, then start with the laptop and work your way up. As the entrepreneurs featured in this book will testify, that’s how many of today’s successful businesses started.