Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Native Peoples and Archaeology in the Northeastern United States
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 6 July 2016
Cross-Cultural Collaboration is an anthology of essays on Native American involvement in archaeology in the northeastern United States and on the changing relationship between archaeologists and tribes in the region. The contributors examine the process and the details of collaborative case studies, ranging from consultation in compliance with federal, state, and local legislation and regulations (including the National Historic Preservation Act and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) to voluntary cooperation involving education, research, and museum-related projects.
Beliefs and feelings about language vary dramatically within and across NativeAmerican cultural groups and are an acknowledged part of the processes oflanguage shift and language death. This volume samples the language ideologiesof a wide range of Native American communities—from the Canadian Yukon toGuatemala—to show their role in sociocultural transformation.
The American Republic to 1877 immerses middle school students in the rich early history of their country. The program includes the finest scholarship and the most up-to-date maps from the world-renowned National Geographic.
This book takes a new and holistic approach to fluency in English speech and differentiates between productive, perceptive, and nonverbal fluency. The in-depth corpus-based description of productive fluency points out major differences of how fluency is established in native and nonnative speech. It also reveals areas in which even highly advanced learners of English still deviate strongly from the native target norm and in which they have already approximated to it.