Hellblazer issue 201 to 205 - comic
Added by: elcortez | Karma: 407.08 | Other | 12 December 2008
Issue 201 to 205
A contemporary thriller / horror comic book series.
Suggested for mature readers only (over 13).
Edited by: stovokor - 12 December 2008 Reason: Image thumbnailed, and just to say THANK YOU!!!!! for my favourite grim series :D
Tags: comic , mature , readers , 13Hellblazer , issue
Friends Starter, 1 and 2 Test Cassetes
Added by: Hanna Kash | Karma: 34.17 | Kids | 13 September 2008
Test tapes for Longman Friends Starter, Friends 1 and Friends 2 courses.
Friends is a four-level course for 9-13 year olds that is specially designed for students different learning styles as they mature. It takes students from beginner to pre-intermediate level.
15 comments, 13133 views
Tags: Friends , Starter , students , takes , mature
A contemporary thriller / horror comic book series.
Suggested for mature readers only (over 13).
Tags: comic , readers , 13Hellblazer , issue , mature
A contemporary thriller / horror comic book series.
Suggested for mature readers only (over 13).
Tags: comic , readers , 13Hellblazer , issue , mature
Hellblazer issue 76 to 80 - comic
Added by: elcortez | Karma: 407.08 | Periodicals | 17 July 2008
First issued in 1988, this is your chance to enjoy a more thoughtful story telling than the traditional comic.
A contemporary
thriller / horror comic book series.
Suggested for mature readers only (over 13).
Tags: comic , Suggested , series , horror , mature