A science magazine is a periodical publication with news, opinions and reports about science for a non-expert audience. A periodical publication for scientific experts is called a "scientific journal".
Science magazines are read by non-scientists and scientists who want accessible information on fields outside their specialization.
They are an important maeans of communication between the scientific community and the wider community.
Articles in science magazines are sometimes republished or summarized by the general press.
Amazing collection of Scientific American Magazine's - 2000-2004 (all issues).
Scientific American is a popular-science magazine , published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28 , 1845 , making it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States . It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Fiction literature | 12 February 2008
New ideas help businesses gain an advantage over their rivals. Employees who generate these new ideas -- who practice the art of creative thinking -- are one of a company's greatest assets. The Art of Creative Thinking shows the reader practical ways of becoming a more creative thinker. Each succinct chapter is built around one core idea which is then developed and illustrated. End-of-chapter key points summarize the main points. The Art of Creative Writing for Magazines
Adele Ramet “Writing for Magazines "
As we approach the start of the 21st century, we are undergoing a major revolution in information. Access to information is made easy by the many journals and magazines available on a multitude of subjects. In addition, there is a wealth of information on the world wide web (the Internet) which is available for access by all users. You can find information on almost any subject, common or obscure. Many search engines make it easy to find the information you want.
For and Against - Mary Glasgow Magazines Эта книга с названием 'For and Against' попала мне в руки уже отсканированной, некоторые (показавшиеся сканировавшему ненужными) страницы пропущены (например, обложка, вступительное слово автора).
Тем не менее, это не книга For and Against, уже опубликованная (в неполном виде) на нашем сайте, а издание с таким же названием от Mary Glasgow Magazines - очень известного и любимого на нашем сайте издательства.
Теперь о книге: 46 тем для развития письменной аналитической речи на уроках английского языка. Даётся вступительный текст на обсуждаемую тему, несколько аргументов "за", несколько - "против". Уровень - примерно Intermediate и выше. Тематика заданий - самая разнообразная. Вот несколько примеров: Should animals be used to test new products? If you do the crime, should your parents do the time? Should the goverment rate music?