In State of Wonder, pharmaceutical researcher Dr. Marina Singh sets off into the Amazon jungle to find the remains and effects of a colleague who recently died under somewhat mysterious circumstances. But first she must locate Dr. Anneck Swenson, a renowned gynecologist who has spent years looking at the reproductive habits of a local tribe where women can conceive well into their middle ages and beyond.
Ghost stories are always in conversation with novelistic modes with which they are contemporary. This book examines examples fromSir Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Henry James andRudyard Kipling,amongst others, to the end of the twentieth century, looking at how they address empire, class, property, history and trauma.
Looking At Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter
Distilled from Donald Palmer's more than 30 years of teaching experiences, this approachable, historically organized text exemplifies Dr. Palmer's very successful light-hearted approach to teaching introduction to philosophy. Through the use of humor, drawings, charts, and diagrams, serious philosophical topics come alive for the readers--without compromising the seriousness of the subject matter. The text can be used as a core text or as a supplement to any reader
В книге (с элементами рабочей тетради) 38 уроков (на 80 страницах). В этой книге вы найдете короткие тексты, неординарные упражнения и практические задания, направленные на закрепление навыков устной и письменной речи, быстрое усвоение элементарной грамматики и правил орфографии, развитие мышления. This book is written as an exersise- book and contains 38 lessons on 80 pages. All the titles are in Russian but more exersises are in English. The book can be useful for teachers who are looking for some ideas how to make their lessons more interesting.
It is hot and dry in California’s desert. Under a tent, scientists dig in the sand. They are looking for mammoths, giant elephant-like creatures. But the scientists are not looking for living mammoths. Mammoths died out about 4,000 years ago. These scientists are paleontologists. They study past life on Earth. They learn by looking at fossils, the hardened tracks or remains of animals. Paleontologists have studied fossils of mammoths found all over the world.