In this latest episode in the beloved, best-selling series, the kindest and best detective in Botswana faces a tricky situation when her personal and professional lives become entangled.
High in the crumbling Palace of Statues, oily Vox Verlix - nominally the Most High Academe but no more than a prisoner in reality - is brewing a terrible plot to destroy the goblins and the shrykes at a stroke, leaving him free to take over once again. Rook Barkwater, a young librarian knight, stumbles upon the truth when he is taken captive and forced to work for Rook. But can Rook foil Vox's plan and save the lives of his librarian colleagues-? A dramatic and menacing new adventure, illustrated throughout with marvellously imaginative black and white illustrations.
Draws on the authors' own research experience and provide a unique contribution to the literature in the area of teacher's work and lives. It combines feminist theory and empirical material, drawing on feminist writing, as well as providing fresh analyses. The unique feature of the book is the re-examination of researchers on teacher's lives and work through a critical feminist lens.
Following the overthrow of the tyrannical Empress Lionstone, rebel Owen Deathstalker is hailed as a hero. But being a hero is not easy, for when the fighting ends the politicking begins. And there's no place in politics for honor. But Honor is the one thing Owen Deathstalker lives by. And he'll kill for it, if necessary, for the sake of an Empire beset by enemies within, and aliens without.
The classic World War II thriller from the acclaimed master of action and suspense. Now reissued in a new cover style. Twelve hundred British soldiers isolated on the small island of Kheros off the Turkish coast, waiting to die. Twelve hundred lives in jeopardy, lives that could be saved if only the guns could be silenced. The guns of Navarone, vigilant, savage and catastrophically accurate.