World in Crisis is a new book from one of the world's leading scholars.Gabriel Kolko pres a panoramic overview of the problems facing the US and the world today. Each chapter covers a key topic, spanning a range of international issues including the current financial crisis, the limits of US foreign policy, the politicisation of intelligence, and why a war with Iran would by likely to culminate in disaster for the US. Kolko also outlines why changes in military technology make all wars, no matter who fights them, increasingly futile.
When Mrs Starch, the most feared biology teacher in Florida, goes missing during a school trip to the Black Vine Swamp, her class is secretly relieved. The school principal tries to cover it up as a 'family emergency', but Nick and Marta just aren't convinced. They think it's much more likely to have something to do with Smoke, the local troublemaker - whose run-ins with Mrs Starch are infamous - and decide to do some investigating of their own.
The aim of the 100 Cases series is to provide a novel learning and revision tool that works by guiding students through clinical cases, imitating those that students and house officers are likely to meet in accident and emergency and outpatient departments, and in general practice.
Sellout "Brand" or just plain "Bland"? In Lovemarks, advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts delves deep into what mysteries lie behind the long-term success and unwavering customer loyalty for a can of Coke or a pair of Levi's, ultimately concluding that Love is the answer, and without some emotional connection to a product, it will dry up like a generic raisin in the sun. Enter Lovemarks, the new marketing buzzword, which will likely be bandied about at board meetings as vigorously as The Tipping Point.
Added by: monicablt | Karma: 3185.68 | Exam Materials » YLE | 7 February 2010
Fun for Starters (SB & Audio CD)
CEF Level:A1
Full-colour preparation material for the 2007 updated Young Learners English Tests. Fun activities balanced with exam-style questions practise all the areas of the syllabus in a communicative way.
The material is specifically designed to focus on those areas most likely to cause problems for young learners at these levels.
Extra Resources for Teachers added Thanks to monicablt!