An indispensable guide to brain-based learning. Diane Connell summarizes current brain research and discusses the implications for the classroom. She offers tools to identify learning styles and ideas for differentiating lessons and activities to engage all students. Covers brain development, multiple intelligences, information processing, emotional intelligence, and much more.
Teaching and Learning: A Model for Academic and Social Cognition
Learners are multi-faceted, unique people. Discovering the whole individual is incumbent upon realizing the teaching/learning environments, common social and societal realities, and belief and value systems respective of academic and socio-societal factors that establish who one is as a learner and teacher. In Learning and Teaching, the authors offer practical strategies for interactive instruction to facilitate optimum learning. This book addresses theoretical framework that includes the relationship between thoughts and feelings, the effect of past esperiences on present and future behaviors, universal connectivity, and a strong understanding of who one is as a teacher and learner.
Like its companion volume Advanced Writing Skills, the present book focuses on the needs of the learner at the advanced level. At this level, grammatical accuracy alone is simply not enough for successful communication, particularly in speech. Advanced Speaking Skills takes as its keynote the concept of appropriateness - the choice of language according to such factors as to whom one is speaking, the moods of the speakers, etc. The book thus opens up to the advanced learner the opportunity of better reflecting his own attitudes and reacting to those of others.