Students need to learn to manage their time, organise their studies, understand, learn, and convey a lot of information – and they need to learn to do it quickly. Whether you’re fresh out of school, or a mature student returning to education, you now don’t need to feel alone!
With Study Skills For Dummies, you’ll be given the know-how and confidence to achieve consistent results every time – and a lack of preparation will become a thing of the past.
In Electricity, inhabitants of Mammoth Island learn all about electricity during the annual lemon harvest. Electricity can be harnessed to power all sorts of things -- from light bulbs to trains. It can be used to carry information through the circuits of a computer, or to power a music system or television set! The islanders learn about how current and static electricity are different and what metals make excellent conductors of electricity. When one islander and his mammoth spear a lemon with their zinc and copper lances, thereby completing a circuit and causing electrons to flow, they discover that even a lemon can be a source of energy!
The purpouse of this book is very simple: to help you, the reader, to pronounce English better than you do now. Millions of foreign students want to learn English as well as they can, for some it is only a matter of reading and writing it, and they will find no help here.
Edited by: decabristka - 16 November 2009
Reason: Please, read the rules what file hosters are allowed on the site. decabristka
New Let’s Learn ENGLISH takes a communicative and topic-based approach to language learning over six levels. It combines a clear language focus and motivating activities that get students using English confidently. Students learn through a variety of tasks including pairwork, projects, games, acting and songs.
Kурс для детей 6-10 лет. Рекомендуется для специализированных школ (3-4 урока английского языка в неделю). Внимание! В учебнике используется традиционная методика, по которой можно преподавать также в общеобразовательных школах (где всего 1-2 урока английского языка в неделю). Таким образом, каждый уровень книги можно использовать на протяжении 2 лет в обычных, неспециализированных школах.