Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences: Insights, Inroads, and Intrusions
Post-modernism offers a revolutionary approach to the study of society: in questioning the validity of modern science and the notion of objective knowledge, this movement discards history, rejects humanism, and resists any truth claims. In this comprehensive assessment of post-modernism, Pauline Rosenau traces its origins in the humanities and describes how its key concepts are today being applied to, and are restructuring, the social sciences.
Fauna and Flora, Earth and Sky: Brushes with Nature's Wisdom
Colorado, to the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, Trudy Dittmar weaves personal experience with diverse threads of subject matter to create unexpected connections between human nature and nature at large. Life stories, elegantly combined with mindful observations of animals, plants, landscape and the skies, theories in natural science, environmental considerations, and touches of art criticism and popular culture, offer insights into the linked analogies of nature and soul.
Bringing together some of the most recognized and influential researchers and scientists in various space-related disciplines, Lunar Settlements addresses the many issues that surround the permanent human return to the Moon.
The Optimism Advantage: 50 Simple Truths to Transform Your Attitudes and Actions into ResultsIn addition to being a "how-to" book on finding the attitude that triggers success and happiness, the book also illustrates ways to be fulfilled with life no matter what the circumstances. The book was an easy read, and packed with inspirational quotes from a broad range of people. I definitely would recommend this book.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction | 22 April 2010
In this wonderfully polished, scholarly treatment of children and play from Colonial times to the present, Chudacoff uses excellent historical methodology and perceptive psychological insights, putting primary sources to good use, as he presents an illustrated, chronological history of children at play from ages six to 12.