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Boundaries in Dating
Boundaries in DatingBetween singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries--boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self-control.
If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in Dating could revolutionize the way you handle relationships. Even if you’re doing well, the insights you’ll gain from this much-needed book can help you fine-tune or even completely readjust important areas of your dating life.

Tags: dating, Dating, Boundaries, doing, insights
Bloom's Literary Themes: Death and Dying
Bloom's Literary Themes: Death and DyingDiscusses the role of death and dying in works such as "Beloved", "Heart of Darkness", "King Lear", "A Separate Peace", and many others. Featuring approximately 20 essays, this title provides insights on this recurring theme in literature.

Edited by: IrinaM - 31 July 2009
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Tags: recurring, insights, provides, title, theme
The Raw Secrets: The Raw Vegan Diet in the Real World
The Raw Secrets: The Raw Vegan Diet in the Real WorldThe Raw Secrets will help you live sustainably on the raw vegan diet and overcome the problems you may have encountered in doing so. Based on logical principles, this diet still often falls short of expectation. Instead of improvements in their health, many people see deterioration. Others experience less rejuvenation than they anticipated, or find themselves unable to maintain balance in the long-term. This results solely from a lack of understanding of the guiding principles of natural diet, from the widespread misinformation about it, and the gross errors that follow.
The Raw Secrets contains straight talk and rare wisdom from around the world on the most exciting, healthiest diet of all time — now gaining mass attention and acceptance. The 28, succinct chapters give unique insights on many topics affecting contemporary raw-foodists. Each holds dozens of tips to help you eat a pure, simple, nourishing diet.
If you are tired of the same, boring, repetitive information found in nearly every other book on the subject, then you're in for a surprise. If you seek groundbreaking research and a fresh perspective on raw eating, you will find them in The Raw Secrets.
Tags: Secrets, principles, insights, unique, chapters
Poetry: The Basics
Poetry: The Basics
"Whether writing about Paradise Lost or the lyrics of Nick Cave, Jeffrey Wainwright is an inspiring and engaging critic of poetry. There are pleasures and insights to be found on every page of this immensely readable book.' - Stephen Regan, Royal Holloway, University of London"
Tags: immensely, readable, every, found, insights
The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, 3rd Edition
The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, 3rd EditionSee why this book has become an international best seller and a true classic. The Writer's Journey explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in a clear, concise style that's made it required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world. The updated and revised third edition provides new insights and observations from Vogler's ongoing work on mythology's influence on stories, movies, and man himself.
Tags: Writers, Journey, edition, provides, insights