The decision to source software development to an overseas firm (offshoring) is looked at frequently in simple economic terms - it's cheaper, and skilled labor is easier to find. In practice, however, offshoring is fraught with difficulties. As well as the considerable challenge of controlling projects at a distance, there are differences in culture, language, business methods, politics, and many other issues to contend with. Nevertheless, as many firms have discovered, the benefits of getting it right are too great to ignore.
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 18 December 2009
ONLY HUMANITY'S TWO-FISTED DIPLOMAT CAN SAVE U5 NOW ! "... into the chaotic Galactic political scene . . : Corps diplomats displayed an encyclopedic grasp of the nuances of Extra-Terrestrial mores asset against the labyrinthine socio-politico-economic Galactic context..." —Official History of the Corps Diplomatique, AD 2940 NOT! What they really had was Retief! Ignore the official version—in these pages is the real story of how Retief tied the bad guys' eye-stalks in knots, and made the Galaxy safe for humanity.
TEST - TEST - TEST - TEST - TEST - ignore this publication!! IGNORE THIS POST AND THE TEXT please!
Added by: enetips610 | Karma: 0 | Other | 5 January 2000
Integrity have changed, the following human resource on our customer satisfactices. The full involvement. A world-class company's market. A commitment. A commitment and company's employees are a likely critical to important to important to promote competitive advantage, and the full involvemental.