A History of Mathematics From Mesopotamia to Modernity
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 14 June 2007
A History of Mathematics From Mesopotamia to Modernity
Containing more than 100 illustrations and figures, this text, aimed at advanced undergraduates and postgraduates, addresses the methods and challenges associated with studying the history of mathematics.
The reader is introduced to the leading figures in the history of mathematics (including Archimedes, Ptolemy, Qin Jiushao, al-Kashi, al-Khwarizmi, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Helmholtz, Hilbert, Alan Turing, and Andrew Wiles) and their fields.
An extensive bibliography with cross-references to key texts will provide invaluable resource to students and exercises (with solutions) will stretch the more advanced reader.
Today, there is a tendency to romanticize both the chivalric era and
the early years of the European state system as more humane times,
when soldiers were governed by codes of honor and civilians were not
targeted for wanton destruction...
The Encyclopedia of Russian History is designed to help dispel the mystery of Russia. It is the first encyclopedia in the English language to comprehend the entirety of Russian history, from ancient Rus to the most recent events in post-Soviet Russia. It is not aimed primarily at specialists in the area but at general readers, students, and scholars who are curious about Russia, have historical events, dates, and persons they wish to explore or papers to write on the widely varying topics and individuals contained herein. Contributors include top scholars in history, Russian studies, military history, economics, social science, literature, philosophy, music, and art history. [This edition is available now on ENGLISHTIPS server. It was initially posted among many other books in my review article "Practice Makes Perfect (015)" of 2006 June 16; vol 4 was added owing to Dillz )
The Search for a Meaningful Past Philosophies, Theories, and Interpretations
TTC - Darren Staloff - The Search for a Meaningful Past Philosophies, Theories, and Interpretations
Course Number 427?16 lectures (45 minutes/lecture)
Taught by: Professor Darren Staloff?City College of New York
What is the point of history? What lessons can be drawn from it? How is history interpreted and understood? Is it an indicator of the future? Can it produce more than just stories?can it offer knowledge?
If these questions fascinate you as they have intellectuals of the last three centuries, then Professor Darren Staloff?s lectures are the spellbinding synthesis of relevant scholarly literature that you?ve been seeking.
This is not a course about dates and events, but one that presents key theories, interpretations, techniques, and visions of the past, leaving you free to select and apply a perspective you feel gives meaning to history.
Professor Staloff achieves this by examining the ideas of key thinkers from the last 275 years, taking each in turn and analyzing the contributions of each to our understanding of history. The result is a course that traces modern man?s struggle to comprehend his place in the world by unraveling the past.
Added by: cumartesileri | Karma: 114.83 | Fiction literature | 12 June 2007
Mendel's Accordion (Kar-Ben Favorites)
By Heidi Smith Hyde
From School Library Journal
PreSchool-Grade 2—This gentle, picture-book history of klezmer music may have difficulty finding an audience. Mendel plays the accordion and forms a traveling band, but when life gets difficult in the old country, he leaves for America. On the way, he meets other musicians and starts a new group. In New York, he marries
and has children and grandchildren, who love different kinds of music. Finally, his great-grandson finds the old instrument in the attic and has it fixed, and a new generation of klezmorim emerges. The text is unremarkable and lacks transitions in places; but the simple language is accessible and makes the complex story of
immigration comprehensible for a young audience. The attractive folksy watercolor illustrations move the story along effectively and capture life in the various settings. The characters are representative of Jewish culture without being caricatures; the joy of music is clear on their faces. An endnote discusses immigration, klezmer music and its resurgence, and the history of the accordion.