They are sometimes called the people who died twice, once at the hands of the Spaniards and their brutal process of civilization, then at the hands of Anglos, practicing a subtler exploitation. They are Latinos, the fastest-growing minority in the United States. Earl Shorris's deeply moving narrative—enlivened by biographical sketches of Mexican Americans, Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans, and many others struggling with the burden of a rich and terrible history—illuminates every aspect of the Latino experience in America, from language to education to social and political organization.
This book offers a comprehensive and original analysis and reconceptualization of the compendium of struggles that wracked the collapsing Tsarist empire and the emergent USSR, profoundly affecting the history of the twentieth century.
All About History is the stunningly realised new magazine from the makers of How It Works and All About Space. Featuring beautiful illustrations, photos and graphics depicting everything from ancient civilisations to the Cold War, All About History is accessible and entertaining to all and makes history fun for the whole family.
Published bi-monthly and beautifully designed, Inside History magazine provides insightful, interesting and practical features to our readers. Its 76 pages are overflowing with advice, articles and expert tips on genealogy, and stories on our varied history, from tales about century-old houses and country towns, to heritage gardens and the biographies of our famous (and infamous) citizens. Learn how to discover more about your ancestry, overcome roadblocks in your research, discover Australia and New Zealand’s social history and heritage, network with other genealogists, read the latest book and product reviews, and enter great competitions.