The Grammar Handbook 2 is designed to follow The Phonics Handbook and The Grammar Handbook 1. It is intended to:
- Introduce new elements of grammar, - Teach new spelling patterns systematically, - Develop dictionary and thesaurus skills, - Improve vocabulary and comprehension, and - Reinforce the teaching in The Grammar Handbook 1.
A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to grant writing Webster's New World Grant Writing Handbook walks readers through every step of the grant writing process-from defining the project and getting and interpreting a foundation's guidelines to submitting and following up on the grant application. With clear, concise explanations, thorough coverage, illustrative examples, and expert advice, this helpful, complete resource gives grant writers all the information and guidance they need to succeed.
Academic writing is one of the most demanding tasks that all academics and researchers face. In some disciplines there is guidance on what is needed to be productive, successful writers; but in other disciplines there is no training, support or mentoring of any kind. This book helps those in both groups not only to improve their writing skills and strategies, but, equally importantly, to find satisfaction in engaging in regular and productive writing.
This Handbook encapsulates the intellectual history of mass media ethics over the past twenty-five years. Chapters will serve as a summary of existing research and thinking in the field, as well as setting agenda items for future research. Key features include: up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of media ethics, one of the hottest topics in the media community 'one-stop shopping' for historical and current research in media ethics experienced, top-tier editors, advisory board, and contributors.