In this highly acclaimed work, Edward Said surveys the history and nature of Western attitudes towards the East, considering Orientalism as a powerful European ideological creation – a way for writers, philosophers and colonial administrators to deal with the ‘otherness’ of Eastern culture, customs and beliefs. |
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Tags: Orientalism, Western, Nerval, greatly, contributed, philosophers, writers, ndash, colonial |
 "This Product provides a wealth of information along with updates which could never be provided in as easy as seamless a way as they are presented here.Most textbooks would do well to emulate this format in years to come." -Doody's Book Review Service
"It is clear that the usefulness of Nelson's 17th edition has been greatly increased by its textual revisions and by the addition of its CD-accessed interactive Web site." JAMA --Text refers to an out of print edition of this title. |
Tags: Nelson, edition, Edition, Textbook, Pediatrics, edition, increased, textual, revisions, greatly |