Grammar Time 6 The Grammar Time series provides reference and practice books for 8-15 year olds that use humorous cartoons, drawings and photographs to introduce and practice the English language.
Focus on Grammar Test-generating CD-ROMallows teachers to create and customize tests quickly and easily. There are six levels including most of the grammar topics.
NEWLY ADDED supplementary material: rubrics for speaking and writing, transperancies, and powerpoint presentations
The Grammar of Words
This is an introduction to the grammar of words. Geert Booij introduces
the basic methods of morphological analysis and shows how these can be
used to reveal how words are formed, compounded, and inflected in
different languages. He then describes the relationship of morphology
to syntax, phonology, and semantics, and shows how the main aspects of
grammar interact to make languages work. He ends by examining the
universal characteristics of morphology. He discusses the ways in
these reflect the organization of the mind's language faculty and
considers whether they throw light on the way languages change and are
Natural Grammar shows you how one hundred important English keywords work, the phrases they generate, and the links they make. The emphasis is on natural-sounding language. Plenty of practice is provided in language building.
Winner of the 2004 British Council ELT Innovation Award
"The Grammar Lab" is for children aged 9-12.
There are books at three levels of difficulty from beginner to intermediate, suitable for use on their own or in support of a general coursebook. Within each chapter, grammar rules are taught in stages. Exercises follow each stage to check understanding. Each student's book is accompanied by a teacher's book. This describes the features and organization of the student's book and gives answers to the exercises.
Публикуется третья часть грамматического пособия "The grammar
lab". Данное учебное пособие может быть использовано как для обучения,
так и для самостоятельной работы. Несомненное преимущество - простая и
лаконичная форма изложения правил, не сухой язык, много заданий на
повторение, задания расположены по степени сложности.
Популярные художники изобразили главных героев учебника в виде забавных монстров, что, несомненно нравится детям.