Usborne Beginner's Spanish Dictionary
This colorful, humorously illustrated dictionary is devised to make language learning easy and fun. It contains about 2,000 everyday words and phrases. The words are grouped thematically and illustrated with amusing pictures and busy scenes so that beginners are introduced to them in context. The thematic section is followed by a simple guide to grammar. At the back of the book the words are listed alphabetically in English with translations, so they can be easily looked up.
A Communicative Grammar of English (1st edition) by Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik, first published in 1975, has established itself as a grammar innovative in approach, reliable in coverage, and clear in its explanations. It is one of the best books on grammar ever written and still provides an up-to-date and accessible resource for teachers, advanced learners and undergraduate students of English. A Communicative Grammar of English employs a communicative rather than a structural approach to the learning of English grammar. This edition is divided into three parts. Part One: Varieties of English , looks at the way English grammar varies in different types of English, for example 'formal' and 'informal', 'spoken' and 'written'. Part Two: Intonation. Part Three: Grammar in use - the central and largest part of the book, presents grammar through the eyes of the communicator and focuses on the uses of grammar rather than on grammatical structure. Part Four: Grammatical Compendium - provides a useful and alphabetically arranged guide to English grammar.
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50 Mixed-Ability Grammar Lessons CLASSROOM PHOTOCOPIABLE TIMESAVERS Ready-made activities for busy teachers LEVEL: ELEMENTARY - INTERMEDIATE This rich resource provides grammar practice activities for the mixed-ability class covering the main Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate structures. Each lesson contains three graded levels of activity based around each structure. An ideal supplement to any coursebook up to Intermediate level.
Modern English linguistics: A structural and transformational grammar by John P Broderick Modern English Linguistics showed how transformational grammar developed
out of American structuralist morphology and syntax. It then went on
to describe English grammar in some detail using the so-called "extended
standard theory" of transformational grammar described in Noam Chomsky's
book, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Despite considerable changes
in Chomsky's ideas in the 1980s and 1990s (as for example, government and
binding theory), linguistics textbooks continued to be published well into
the 1990s that were still based on the Aspects model.
The Set Sail! Series focuses on getting young learners to enjoy communicating in English through a wide variety of activities in all four skills. Its pupil-centred approach motivates young learners, thus ensuring a positive experience in the English language classroom.
This book contains additional exercices to practise vocabulary and grammar presented in the Pupil's Book.