When Night Falls in Tinga Tinga TalesWhen the sun sets in Tinga Tinga Tales it's bedtime for some animals – Monkeys curl up their tails in the trees and Hippo and Tickbird say good night. But Owl and her nighttime friends all come out to play in the light of the moon! Children are going to come to love these African stories, inspired by rich indigenous artwork.
When It's Time to Eat in Tinga Tinga TalesWhen it's mealtime in Tinga Tinga Tales all the animals love eating different things – Monkeys love mangoes and Chameleon loves flies! But no matter what they've had to eat, all the animals meet at the waterhole for a nice cool drink.
Children are going to come to love these African stories, inspired by rich indigenous artwork.
When It's Very, Very Hot in Tinga Tinga TalesIt can get very hot in Tinga Tinga Tales, and all the animals have different ways of keeping cool – Tortoise tucks into his shell and Hippo sploshes in the mud. Lion takes a nap in the shade – and best to let him sleep!
Children are going to come to love these African stories, inspired by rich indigenous artwork.
Mennonite in a litlle black dress - A Memoir of Going Home
Janzen, the author of a poetry collection called “Babel’s Stair,” teaches English and creative writing at Hope College in Michigan. Those aren’t promising details, I know — readers may suspect that an academic poet’s memoir about failed marriage, debilitating pain and a strict religious upbringing would be dry, self- pitying and overly earnest. But “Mennonite in a Little Black Dress” is snort-up-your-coffee funny, breezy yet profound, and poetic without trying. In fact, the whole book reads as if Janzen had dictated it to her best non-Menno friend, in her bathrobe, over cups of tea.
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