The Future of Money: From Financial Crisis to Public Resource
As the recent financial crisis has revealed, the state is central to the stability of the money system, while the chaotic privately-owned banks reap the benefits without shouldering the risks. This book argues that money is a public resource that has been hijacked by capitalism.
Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of graded readers for learners of English. This series offers fascinating stories from the four corners of our world, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing.
Discover Yourself Through Palm Reading: Learning How to Read Yourself and Your Future, Line by Line
This book is about discovering inherited personality traits, temperament, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, abilities and talents through a study of hands, and using this insight to improve all areas of your life. Throughout the book, readers will learn the meanings of certain lines and formations.
The Future of English? was commissioned by the British Council and written by researcher David Graddol.
The book explores the possible long-term impact on English language of developments in communications technology, growing economic globalisation and major demographic shifts at the end of the twentieth century and beyond. It uses existing linguistic research as a basis for examining new trends in globalisation, popular culture and economic development to see how these affect the future use of English.
It started out as a kid's game to while away the long drive across the country. It ends in a grotesque nightmare of death and destruction. Someone's out to get them. To destroy their dreams of the future. To plunge then into a paranoid world where every sound could be the last thing they hear.