A rock sinks in the water. A hot air balloon floats in the air. Many objects float and sink. But what makes them move this way? And how do people use floating and sinking in their lives? Read this book to find out! Learn all about matter, energy, and forces in this book. With high-energy designs, exciting photos, and fun text, these books bring nonfiction topics to life!
Junior Englisch für die Ferien - Sprachreise für Kinder
An excitingjourneylanguagefor children aged fiveyearswith thelocalFriendexcitingadventureand learnfunthe first few wordsand phrasesin English.level A1 Maxis an American andlovesadventure.Together yougoon an excitingjourney through theUSA: Youvisitednational parks andthe wild west,takeonan excitingboatride andbarbecueat the campfire!You'llexperience a lot andspeakEnglishnaturally.Let's go!
It all began with the television outside broadcast featuring Punchbowl Farm and in particular Dion, the boy farmer. Within a matter of days the Thornton family found themselves acting as temporary guardians of a prize Jersey cow. It is soon obvious that there is a mystery attached to the cow. Where has she come from? Who is the strange "Mr. Dryden" who brought her to the farm? Events build up to an exciting climax in which the children are involved in a cross-country chase and a strictly illegal cross-Channel trip, to restore the mulberry cow to her rightful owner.
The world's favorite children's series, fully revised with brand new components! This major new edition builds upon Let's Go's reputation for proven success in the classroom. The core syllabus has been developed through extensive teacher feedback. New and exciting support materials confirms Let's Go as the leading teacher-friendly series available today.