Written by best-selling author Paul Seligson, Essential English is an enjoyable short course for adult and young adult learners who want to improve their English quickly. It offers 30-60 hours of material from beginner to upper intermediate level and is ideal for intensive courses.
From Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, to Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes, to the top economic thought leaders of today, The Economics Book is the essential reference for students and anyone else with an interest in how economies work.
Grammar Tales: Mini-Books That Teach 10 Essential Rules of Usage and Mechanics
Kids will LOVE these ten stories that teach parts of speech, proper use of commas and quotation marks, and so much more. Include a skill-building teaching guide filled with lessons, reproducibles, and mini-book versions of each story. A great way to help every child learn meet the language arts standards and become a strong, confident writer!
Herb was bored. Herb was blue. Then—Poof!—along came a Verb Fairy who motivated him with a magic sack filled with hundreds of awesome action words! This super-funny Grammar Tales story focuses on verbs, and is designed to help kids grasp the essential rules of usage and mechanics. Who says grammar is no laughing manner?
400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL and 504 Absolutely Essential Words for android mobiles
400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL and 504 Absolutely Essential Words for android mobiles plus flashcards for 504. The meanings are in Persian but it's useful for other speakers.