This program was designed to satisfy the needs of pre and posrgraduate medical students. It was designed to simulate auscultation as if you are already auscultating a living patient. REUPLOAD NEEDED
Digital Knowledge Maps in Education: Technology-Enhanced Support for Teachers and Learners
Digital knowledge maps are ‘at a glance’ visual representations that enable enriching, imaginative and transformative ways for teaching and learning, with the potential to enhance positive educational outcomes. The use of such maps has generated much attention and interest among tertiary education practitioners and researchers over the last few years as higher education institutions around the world begin to invest heavily into new technologies designed to provide online spaces within which to build resources and conduct activities.
Follow Me: Loop Card Games: English is a series of three books designed to reinforce basic literacy skills using auditory discrimination as the major focus. Using interactive game cards, pupils work in small groups or as a whole class to complete a chain of questions and answers. Each pupil maintains involvement in the game by using the supporting active listening enrichment copymaster, designed to track the progress of the game.
Smart Phonics is an easy-to-teach 5 level series for elementary school children who are studying English as a foreign language. The books were especially written for students in Asia. The series begins with single letter sounds then adds the short and long vowels and finally the vowel and consonant double letter combinations. This carefully designed step-by-step building approach uses fun writing activity, listening activities, and games to take students through all the phonics they will need to read most English words. Each book includes a combination Audio CD-ROM/CD filled with listening practice and phonics games designed specifically for the phonics introduced in that book.
Specially designed for English teachers. The Teacher’s Magazine is a monthly issue specially designed for teachers of English as Foreign or Second Language. It provides creative ready-to-go materials to make their classes more active and appealing to students. The ideal magazine for English teachers that choose to work effectively with students of all levels and ages and an asset at the moment of developing contents.