Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, first published in 1764, is a series of short, radical essays - alphabetically arranged - that form a brilliant and bitter analysis of the social and religious conventions that then dominated eighteenth-century French thought. One of the masterpieces of the Enlightenment, this enormously influential work of sardonic wit - more a collection of essays arranged alphabetically, than a conventional dictionary - considers such diverse subjects as Abraham and Atheism, Faith and Freedom of Thought, Miracles and Moses.
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians: Illustrated With the Secret Rosicrucian Symbols
Illustrated With the Secret Rosicrucian Symbols; Incognito, Magus; "The true Rosicrucians have no formal organization, and are held together only by the ties of common interest in the occult and esoteric studies, and by the common acceptance of certain fundamental principles of belief and knowledge."
Age-related loss of memory and other cognitive abilities has been recognized since antiquity. However, the need to understand the causes and consequences of dementia has become urgent over the past quarter-century because of the large and increasing proportion of persons in the world's population who live into their 9th and 10th decades -- the ages at which people are at greatest risk for dementia. Dementia is now one of the most common and feared conditions of old age and is a major public health problem throughout the world.
This is an internationally respected and authoritative work, pring in-depth coverage of all aspects of pleural disease. Building on the strengths of the well-received first edition, the book includes a thorough basic science section, aiding understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie diseases of the pleura. This is followed by a series of chapters discussing clinical aspects of the common (and less common) pleural diseases.
The Ultimate Book of Puzzles, Mathematical Diversions, and Brainteasers: A Definitive Collection of the Best Puzzles
Long-time puzzle buffs have yearned for a one-volume collection of the best brain-twisters ever devised. Here are 360 carefully constructed exercises that use words, numbers, and diagrams to test logic, numeracy geometry, physics, intuition, common sense, and imagination.