In Forster's beautifully written novel about British India at the turn of the century, a simple misunderstanding erupts into hostility. The plot centers on Aziz, a young doctor who is initially tolerant of the British presence in India. However, when he takes a group of Americans to the Caves of Marabar and an American woman accuses him of raping her, his attitude changes. Imprisoned and then released when the woman recants, Aziz becomes thoroughly disillusioned and a proponent of a Hindi-Muslim alliance against the British.
Make positive and immediate changes in your school with the support of your entire staff. New from acclaimed speaker and bestselling author Todd Whitaker (What Great Teachers Do Differently, Dealing with Difficult Parents), Leading School Change provides principals, assistant principals, district superintendents, and other educators with concrete steps for getting colleagues to champion and work toward the changes you want to make.
Louis XVI was a gentle and unassuming man who did not want to be king but attempted to work for the welfare of his people–until his government was engulfed by the violent upheavals of the French Revolution. Facing the rapidly changing desires of his subjects, he gave way to the policies they demanded. Few rulers have acquiesced to such startling changes of government within such a brief span of time.
100 Days Happier: Daily Inspiration for Life-long Happiness
So many people are waiting to feel happy, they think they will be happy when they have this or they've done that, that perhaps money, a partner, or that new position is the key. But the truth is, lasting happiness is something that you create, each and everyday, through the simple choices that you make. 100 Days Happier invites the reader to make small daily changes in the way they think and act; changes that will ultimately create a fundamental shift in the way they feel about who they are and the life they are living. This book will energise and motivate you to be your best self, every day.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 16 July 2016
The last decade has seen sweeping changes in US health care policy. With more changes on the way, the emerging field of comparative effectiveness research-the science of determining how different treatments work best for different conditions-is critical for patients and clinicians who wish to make wise decisions regarding therapeutic choices.