An artist’s retreat turns into a snowbound intervention. Jeremy Oliver’s on a one-man mission to forget, while Sarah Booker’s on a one-woman mission to remember. What happens when two opposing forces like theirs get snowed in together? Cabin Fever... Fireworks, tears, ghosts, and maybe even love.
English for Cabin Crew is an ideal short course designed for both trainee cabin crew, and flight attendants in employment.
English for Cabin Crew is part of the Express Series. It is an ideal course for students in employment, who want to communicate better in English. This short, intensive course can be completed in 25-30 hours, so students make progress quickly. English for Cabin Crew can be used as a stand-alone course, for self-study using the interactive MultiROM, or alongside a coursebook such as International Express.
В книге представлена адаптация известного романа американской писательницы Гарриет Бичер-Стоу "Хижина дяди Тома" о трагической судьбе американских рабов. В центре романа - история доброго, работящего, мужественного человека - невольника дяди Тома, который отстоял свою честь и достоинство ценой собственной жизни. В пособии текст романа адаптирован в учебных целях до уровня Intermediate. Каждая глава сопровождается комментарием и переводом трудных слов и выражений, а также упражнениями, направленными на проверку понимания текста, отработку лексики и грамматических правил, развитие устной речи. В конце пособия помещен англо-русский словарь.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Only for teachers | 7 January 2012
English for Cabin Crew is an essential course for those preparing for a career as a cabin crew member. It is equally suitable for those already working in the industry who need to improve their communication skills when carrying out their pre and in-flight responsibilities.
After getting caught turning wolf on national television, Kitty retreats to a mountain cabin to recover and write her memoirs. But this is Kitty, so trouble is never far behind, and instead of Walden Pond, she gets Evil Dead. When werewolf hunter Cormac shows up with an injured Ben O'Farrell, Kitty's lawyer, slung over his shoulder, and a wolf-like creature with glowing red eyes starts sniffing around the cabin, Kitty wonders if any of them will get out of these woods alive...