As with all major writing projects, the scope of this book evolved and expanded over time. Initially I intended to define and describe the origins of a relatively limited set of concepts important to the history of American business. It quickly became apparent that certain people played vital roles in inventing or innovating devices, mechanisms, or processes that profoundly shaped how business was and is conducted in the United States.
"Understanding Business and Personal Law" provides a thorough overview of the basics of law, including ethics and technology issues. Through journal activities, Internet research activities, and activities that encourage them to get involved in their communities, students get the hands-on practice they need to build a stronger understanding of chapter concepts.
Reading age for native speakers: High School students
"Introduction to Business" provides students with research-based reading strategies and integrated academic activities to build comprehension and reinforce key academic concepts, all within the context of business topics. Reading age for native speakers: High School students
This course, in conjunction with the Financial Times, offers the most modern material that gives students the opportunity to develop spoken language, expand vocabulary, build basic knowledge of grammar, as well as develop the skills of reference for business correspondence and business presentations. Ideal for students who need to study business vocabulary, rules and traditions of negotiation of business letters and faxes REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl