A comprehensive resource for helping students increase their spelling competencies. Each book contains 30 spelling units comprised of a grade-level spelling list and four reproducible pages that cover grade-level spelling skills.
Building bridges: 10 Idioms about Relationships and Friends -2012-
Idioms and expressions are important parts of any literary or dialectic culture. For anyone who is wondering what are idioms, they are groups of words that present information in a figurative or proverbial manner. Today, there are modern acronyms like BFF and pseudo-words like “frenemies.” There are many other idioms and expressions about friendship and relationships that are centuries old and still have an important place in modern culture. Here are a few examples of idioms about relationships that are used every day.
Whether you're looking for a kindergarten math program, powerful intervention, or special resources to meet the diverse learning needs in your classroom, Houghton Mifflin really delivers. These dynamic, research-based mathematics materials provide comprehensive support to ensure math achievement, a strong focus on skill building, problem solving, and concepts mastery for every level of learning, and plenty of practice for every day mathematics and test-taking success.
The Building Blocks of Human Life: Understanding Mature Cells and Stem Cells
Every human is composed of an amazing assortment of cells and tissues that carry out myriad functions necessary for sustaining life. In this series of lectures, Professor John K. Young of the Howard University College of Medicine takes audiences through the microscope on a fascinating journey of discovery into the world of cells and tissues, where a complex scheme of activity is taking place all the time, literally just beneath the surface. In clear, concise language, Professor Young explains the basic categories of cells and tissues and then delves into their specialized functions, whether it be for muscle cells and nervous tissue or the cells of reproductive organs