In this funny, all-too-human picture book, Mercer Mayer's famous Little Critter dreams of the day when he will be big enough to go to first grade, dial phone numbers by himself, camp out in the backyard, or walk to the corner store. By the end of his energetic daydreaming, Little Critter is so tired he has to go to bed. As he himself admits, "I'm not bigger yet." It's a fine and familiar catalogue of what young children yearn for.
College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization 4th Edition
Gary Rockswold teaches algebra in context, answering the question, ?€?Why am I learning this??€? By experiencing math through applications, students see how it fits into their lives, and they become motivated to succeed. Rockswold focus on conceptual understanding helps students make connections between the concepts and as a result, students see the bigger picture of math and are prepared for future courses.
11 Audio Lessons from Matt Purland, the founder of English The lessons features topics such as: #1 - Learn the English Alphabet #2 - The Car Thief #3 - Can You Follow Instructions? #4 - A Very Big Family! #5 - The Girl Who Got Bigger and Bigger and more...