"Because I Said So!": Family Squabbles & How to Handle Them (Go Parents! Guide)For parents everywhere whose kids complain about helping around the house, stall over homework, and bicker with one other, help is at hand. With compassion and humor, this book takes on the most common points of kid-induced friction-those altercations and annoying behaviors that drive parents most nuts-and offers quick, practical how-to advice for how to handle them. It explains to parents how to navigate everyday challenges...
OLD WITCH RESCUES HALLOWEEN is a story about a witch who lived in a make-believe town called Oldwick. If you were fortunate enough to live in this town, Old Witch would be one of your friends, because she loved children and they loved her, too.
Science is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals. The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880 is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership.
Added by: henordo | Karma: 29.67 | Black Hole | 3 November 2009
Note: 1 Henry IV has two main plots that intersect in a dramatic battle at the end of the play. The first plot concerns King Henry IV, his son, Prince Harry, and their strained relationship. The second concerns a rebellion that is being plotted against King Henry by a discontented family of noblemen in the North, the Percys, who are angry because of King Henry’s refusal to acknowledge his debt to them. The play’s scenes alternate between these two plot strands until they come together at the play’s end.
Science is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals. The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880 is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership.