Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy, 11th EditionThis text is well-known for using the Keynesian model in the teaching of economics; yet, in recent editions, the authors have expanded coverage of the growth model considerably to achieve more balanced coverage. The text uses the aggregate supply/ aggregate demand model as a fundamental tool for learning macroeconomics. It achieves the right level of rigor and detail, presenting complicated concepts in a relatively straightforward manner and using timely economic data.
Supplement XIII is to a degree focused on contemporary or fairly modern writers, many of whom who have had little sustained attention from critics, although most are rather well known. A number of classic writers from the distant past included here are important authors from earlier centuries who, for one reason or another, had yet to be treated in this series.
More than any other textbook, Moore and Parker's "Critical Thinking" has defined the structure and content of the critical thinking course at colleges and universities across the country - and the authors have done so with a fun and witty writing style that students actually enjoy.
Paediatrics and Child Health is the definitive guide to paediatrics for medical students. This brand new exciting edition has been completely revised for the contemporary curriculum. Paediatrics and Child Health follows a symptoms and problem-based approach. The book focuses on the full development of a child from birth through to adolescence. The authors’ expertise is enhanced by clear explanations and full colour presentation. The book has been designed for easy navigation for both in-depth learning and revision.
The American Writers book series, a collection of critical and biographical articles, now covers 219 notable authors from the 17th century to the present day. Signed essays of 12-15 pages in length, by noted scholars, provide thought-provoking insights into the lives, careers, and works. The authors presented in the Retrospective Supplement II were chosen because of their immense visibility and interest to students and general readers.