In the 21st century, fluctuations in solar radiation have caused the ice-caps to melt and the seas to rise. Global temperatures have climbed, and civilization has retreated to the Arctic and Antarctic circles. London is a city now inundated by a primeval swamp, to which an expedition travels to record the flora and fauna of this new Triassic Age. This early novel by the author of CRASH and EMPIRE OF THE SUN is at once a fast paced narrative, a stunning evocation of a flooded, tropical London of the near future and a speculative foray into the workings of the unconscious mind.
“Yes, you have genius within you,” says author Paul Scheele. “Natural Brilliance helps you find it, release it, and use it.”
“To enjoy unbridled successes, we need to free our creative ability to learn and grow. Paul Scheele show us how in his brilliant new book, Natural Brilliance.” Paul McKenna, host of the international television hit, The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna
“Paul Scheele shares a step-by-step formula for releasing our true Natural Brilliance that will shine into all aspects of our life.” Leo Hauser, author, motivational speaker, and former President of the American Society for Training & Development
The 4-hour body an uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible sex, and becoming superhuman (audiobook)
The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest spanning more than a decade to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes dozens of MDs and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation. From Olympic training centers to black-market laboratories from Silicon Valley to South Africa Tim Ferriss the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek fixated on one life-changing question: For all things physical what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results?
Jeffrey and Sloth(tumblebook) Jeffrey and Sloth Jeffrey can't think of a thing to write, so he doodles instead, only to have his doodle begin to order him about. Jeffrey struggles with the situation until he discovers that the most strong-willed doodle is powerless against a well-told tale. Jeffrey and Sloth is bound to have children rushing for their colored pencils and their pens to see who and what they can create.
Beautiful Moon (tumblebooks)flash story Beautiful Moon With the help of a wish on a moonlit night, a little girl's fantasy becomes reality. In a wink the beautiful moon understands the desire for a day that never ends and grants her wish. See how constant daylight affects the world around her and eventually the attitude toward her wish. In the end, sometimes what we wish for might not be what we really want. We soon learn that nighttime is the time for rest and renewal and is as necessary as daytime.