The Employee Answer Book: Answers to the Top 250 Questions
Not everything that you might think is unfair in the workplace is actually illegal. In order to fully protect your rights, you must understand them first. The Employee Answer Book, the latest addition to the Answer Book Series, answers real questions from real people. This book discusses federal employment law in detail and touches on employment law in all states. It provides explanations of employment issues in plain English and is easy to understand without needing an attorney to explain it to you.
CAE Practice Tests Plus New Edition is a revised set of tests for the December 2008 exam. This New Edition of the CAE level includes:
- SIX new practice tests in exam format
- Audio CDs for students to practise listening at home
- Full colour visual material for paper 5 and sample OMR answer sheets allowing students to become familiar with real exam conditions
- Annotated answer key analysing correct and incorrect answers, and completed audio scripts with answers marked. book in BETTER quality added by Thrakatak
An estimated 4.1 million people in the United States participate in recreational sailing. Yet the large library of sailing literature leaves many of them high and dry. On one side are technical guides for America's Cup boat-builders; on the other, simplistic books for weekend sailors with little interest in science. In Float Your Boat! professional and amateur boaters alike will find intelligent and understandable answers to such questions as: What were the key innovations that made sailboats more efficient? How do you increase the speed of a boat?