CAE Practice Tests Plus New Edition is a revised set of tests for the December 2008 exam.
- SIX new practice tests in exam format
- Audio CDs for students to practise listening at home
- Full colour visual material for paper 5 and sample OMR answer sheets allowing students to become familiar with real exam conditions
- Annotated answer key analysing correct and incorrect answers, and completed
BOOK (KINDLY ADDED by evaleks)
---original file (PDF in RAR, 68 MB) low quality
---original file (PDF in RAR, 68 MB) low quality
---reduced file (PDF in RAR, 22.8 MB) by englishcology low quality
AUDIO (MP3 in RAR, 75 MB - 2 CDs / 75 MB)
BOOK Better quality 110 MB by Irishcream
Cleaned, ready-to-print, grayscale, smaller size version by Thrakatak in the MIRRORS box