Join Prakash, Bina and Sonu on their long walk to school across the mountains, across the jungle where a ferocious leopard lay in wait. Or join these friends on a road roller on their way to the Tehri Dam site.
Psychobiologist Dr Paul Virag has been dragged from his experimental station in Tobago at the whim of an heiress who requested that he chaperon her two prize monkeys across the Atlantic. But what has been an incovenience to his calm life takes an unexpected turn into a sinister mystery.
The Way of the Linguist: A Language Learning Odyssey (Audiobook)
The Way of The Linguist, A language learning odyssey. It is now a clich that the world is a smaller place. We think nothing of jumping on a plane to travel to another country or continent. The most exotic locations are now destinations for mass tourism. Small business people are dealing across frontiers and language barriers like never before.
The fifth installment of Jean Auel's Earth's Children® series, which began with The Clan of the Cave Bear, is one of the most hotly anticipated books in publishing history. In The Shelters of Stone, Ayla and Jondalar complete their epic journey across Europe, join Jondalar's people, the Zelandonii, and face new and perilous challenges.
School Discourse: Learning to write across the years of schooling
This book tracks the developmental changes in writing across the schools curriculum, enhancing a key area of research in applied linguistics. Writing development has been a key area of research in applied linguistics for some time, but most work has focused on children's writing at particular ages. Christie and Derewianka draw on extensive research in both primary and secondary years to trace the developmental trajectory from age 5 or 6 through to 18.