Added by: avrodavies | Karma: 1114.24 | Other | 3 October 2014
You are enlightened. You knew it when you were a young child. You will know it again, soon. The question is "When?" Enlightenment is Losing Your Mind is a philosophical exploration. This book defines many terms, such as reality, spirituality, identity, and the universe in radical and useful ways. Between where we are and enlightenment is insanity. lose your mind today, you will be glad you did as you discover the play of reliving your mind of struggle and control!
The Magic Thief: Home, the fourth book in the acclaimed Magic Thief series (also including The Magic Thief, The Magic Thief: Lost, and The Magic Thief: Found), finds new wizard Conn back where he started—accused of being a thief.
What is it really like to be a teacher in today's demanding classrooms? The authors of this book spoke to teachers, parents and students in the UK, Asia, America and Australia and had some shocking responses to their questions. By looking at highly topical issues within teaching, such as teacher stress and teacher workload, they uncover an often bleak picture where individuals are frequently stretched to breaking point as they endeavour to 'make a difference'.
Fortean Times is a British monthly magazine devoted to the anomalous phenomena. Open your mind with Fortean Times You’ll need a sense of adventure, curiosity, natural scepticism and a good sense of humour. Every month, Fortean Times takes you on an incredible ride where you’ll enjoy learning about the most fantastic phenomena on earth.
In his latest ground-breaking book, Peter C Gotzsche exposes the pharmaceutical industries and their charade of fraudulent behaviour, both in research and marketing where the morally repugnant disregard for human lives is the norm.