Luck, Logic, and White Lies: The Mathematics of Games
The mathematical underpinnings of games, whether they are strategic or games of chance, have been known for centuries, but are usually only understood by players and aficionados who have a background in mathematics. The author has succeeded in making that knowledge accessible, entertaining, and useful to everyone who likes to play and win.
Creative Black and White: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques
Black-and-white photography poses unique challenges; without color to guide the eye, contrast, lighting, and composition take on even more importance. Renowned photographer Harold Davis explains these elements and demonstrates the basic rules of black and white photography as well as when and how to break them.
Embracing the East: White Women and American Orientalism
This fine interdisciplinary study incorporates the history of the middle class, art, and literature as it historicizes the ways in which white famles participated in, produced, and benefited from Americans' ambivalent fascination with Japan and China and contributed to the feminization of American orientalism during the Gilded Age.
Mastering Digital Black and White: A Photographer's Guide to High Quality Black-and-White Imaging
The very nature of black and white photography places a premium on creative interpretation of the image. Advances in digital technology have expanded both the precision of imaging techniques and the interpretive possibilities for black and white imagery. Never before has such a wide array of tools been available to photographers who have a passion for black and white. Mastering Digital Black and White is written for these photographers.
How can you portray the splendor of a garden with merely black and white? With dashes of color on a dramatic black-and-white background! Bring your fabric garden to life using easy fusible appliqui;, foundation piecing, and strip piecing. The patterns are easily adaptable to hand appliqu; as well. Quilts are shown in both black-and-white and color versions, encouraging quilters to choose their own palette. Fabric selection tips, full-size appliqu; and paper-piecing templates, guidance on quilting, embellishment suggestions, and sewing instructions are all provided.