A new series of colourful readers which uses a wide variety of story types and visual styles to build students' interest in reading. Topics and vocabulary are directly linked to the syllabus of Let's Go Third Edition, providing a fun reading opportunity for each unit of the course.
SAT Power Vocab: A Complete Guide to Vocabulary Skills and Strategies for the SAT
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68078.20 | Exam Materials » SAT | 31 August 2017
THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS! Tackle the test with confidence with a complete guide to vocabulary skills and strategies for the SAT. Prepping for the SAT may no longer mean memorizing long word lists, but a strong vocabulary is still essential to scoring well on the exam! SAT Power Vocab give you practical advice for understanding and remembering key vocabulary terms for both the Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math sections.
This book uses a powerful mnemonic technique, the keyword method, to lock 1413 SAT and GRE words into the reader's memory quickly and easily. Dramatic improvements can be made in vocabulary size, reading comprehension, and scores on verbal exams. Since standard intelligence tests have significant verbal components, a major increase in vocabulary should increase IQ scores.
First published in 1976, Raymond Williams' highly acclaimed Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society is a collection of lively essays on words that are critical to understanding the modern world. In these essays, Williams, a renowned cultural critic, demonstrates how these key words take on new meanings and how these changes reflect the political bent and values of our past and current society.
Millions of people around the world communicate better thanks to Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl, whose top-rated weekly grammar podcast has been downloaded more than 30 million times. Now she's turning her attention to improving our vocabulary―one word at a time―with Grammar Girl's 101 Words Every High School Graduate Needs to Know. Not sure whether your post-high school vocabulary is up to snuff? This handy reference guide is a great starting point for ensuring you know the words that will help you impress your college professors, hold your own among your peers, write killer papers, and simply sound articulate―a skill that will benefit you for years to come.