From Real English®, a completely free site for learning English: original videos with interactive lessons, an English teacher always present to help you when you need a hand, and a Community of teachers & students learning together.
From Real English®, a completely free site for learning English: original videos with interactive lessons, an English teacher always present to help you when you need a hand, and a Community of teachers & students learning together.
Welcome to Life, an exciting new six-level adult series that turns learning English into an exploration of the world we live in. Drawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles and videos that engage students like no series before. Bring Life into your classroom!
Follow Muzzy - DVD MUZZY, the award-winning BBC Language Course for Children, continues to receive high praise from experts and the approval of millions of parents and teachers worldwide.
Muzzy is a set of videos used to teach foreign languages. The videos are distributed by Early Advantage, a subsidiary of the BBC, in two installments, Muzzy and Muzzy Level II, with the latter being more advanced.
The MyGrammarLab series takes learners from elementary to advanced grammar, each level benchmarked against the Common European Framework and providing grammar practice for internationally recognised exams.
With its learning hints and tips, immediate feedback, automatic grading, and grammar tutor videos, this course is ideal for self-study, as well as a grammar reference and practice companion to your English language course. Audio added